The Birmingham Swifts invite you to join us at our Annual General Meeting and Awards night at The Fox, Friday 4th March 2016, 19:00hrs.

This event will include a review of the last year of Birmingham Swifts, feedback from the recent member survey and future plans including next steps with affiliation.  Also, and more importantly, there will also be the election of the committee for 2016/17, review of motions put forward by members and member awards.

To help it be as much of a success as possible, we need you to attend, nominate yourself or others to positions on committee, put forward any motions you feel relevant and help us celebrate our achievements. Food will be available, and the bar will also be open.

Nominations, motions and voting can only be made by registered members. Membership is currently free to all those agreeing to abide by the Code of Conduct. Non-members can request a membership form via the club secretary in person or by email: [email protected]



  • Welcome (Chair)
  • Apologies & proxies (Secretary)
  • Minutes of last AGM (Chair)
  • Annual reports (All committee)
  • Statement of accounts (Treasurer)
  • Election of Committee (TBC)
    1. Chair
    2. Secretary
    3. Treasurer
    4. Social Secretary
    5. Race Secretary
  • Motions (TBC)
  • Survey Feedback (Tommy H)
  • EU project summary (Steve B)
  • Final Thoughts (Tommy H)
  • AOB
  • Awards


Committee Election
All five positions that form the committee are up for election:

  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Social Secretary
  • Race Secretary

To nominate yourself or another member for committee, you should complete a nominations form. These are available here, from the club secretary or committee representative on club runs (Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings) or by request via email.

Each nomination should be proposed and seconded by registered members. For email returns, both proposer and seconder must return the form from their registered email address to the club secretary no later than 24 hours prior to the AGM.

Where the nominee is different to proposer and seconder, they must also return a form stating they agree to the nomination.

If they would like, the nominee can also send in a manifesto to explain why they should be elected. These will be made available one week before the AGM, or on the night for any nominations received after 24th February 2016.

Nominees may be required to answer questions from members prior to voting on the night of the AGM and should ensure attendance.



If you wish to put forward a motion for discussion at AGM, you should complete a motions form available here or by email request from the club secretary.

Motions should be returned to the club secretary no later than Friday 19 February 2016. Proposers should be prepared to present and answer questions on their motion before voting at the AGM.


Proxy voting

Voting will take place at the AGM for election of a new committee for 2016/17 and on any motions put forward. If you are a member and cannot attend on the night, you may nominate a proxy to do so on your behalf. To do this, you should complete the proxy nominations form, available here or via email from the club secretary.

You may nominate the Chair or any chosen member to vote on your behalf and notify the club secretary of this accordingly. You should instruct your proxy how you would like them to vote on your behalf at the meeting. Motions will be detailed prior to the AGM. Nominations for committee may be received up to 24hrs prior to AGM, therefore you may rely on your proxy to vote on your behalf without discussion.

If you attend the meeting after nomination of a proxy, your proxy request will be cancelled and you will be eligible to vote in person.

All proxy requests should be received by the Club Secretary no later than Thursday 3 March 2016.


We hope to see you all in attendance on Friday 4th March 2016 to help us celebrate the Birmingham Swifts. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the AGM, please ask a committee member or the Club Secretary.